How to start With OSGi
Hello Here I will tell you about OSGi(Open Service Gateway intitative) platform for java. This is beneficial framework for embedded system to function in java. Mostly people function in embedded c, so here i've got also solution for those folks using JNI that i'll explain in this next article regarding OSGi. Steps to make OSGi with Basic Hello globe programme. Here i'll use Equinox and Apache felix Library for OSGi. comply with these step Firstly Download Eclipse for your Operating Syatem. 1. Make Your libarary i) Download the Equinox through http: //download. eclipse. org/equinox/ ii) Go to make workbench for eclipse iii) GO through Window--> Preferences--> java-->buid path-->user libraries iv) Select New and allow User library name "Equinox". Now click on Add external jars, Select every one of the jar files which are inside plugins folder of Equinox and click on OK. so here you've made your Library. 2. Come up with a simple hello Wo...